Principal's Message
Mrs. Huber
Welcome to Alvarado, home of the "All Stars"!
Alvarado Elementary is a high performing Title I school that serves a diverse group of students living in Signal Hill and Long Beach. Our colorful murals painted throughout the school demonstrate our value of tolerance and respect for individuals from all backgrounds. Alvarado is a relatively small school with a strong community and family atmosphere. Teachers and students form strong relationships and attention is given to each student’s academic and social needs.
Our school prides itself on our deep commitment to Columbia Readers and Writers Project and Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) in Mathematics. We feel that our focus and implementation of these teaching methodologies are the primary reason why Alvarado students have such high SBAC scores and virtually no achievement gap. Our instruction is tailored to the student level, and teachers regularly conference with students during Reading, Writing, and Math to determine where their next steps are and how to appropriately challenge them.
Since Alvarado Elementary has such high levels of success, our school often hosts teachers and principals from other schools and districts throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.
Alvarado provides professional development workshops in Reading and Writing Workshop. Alvarado hosts 300+ visitors annually who are interested in our methodologies; we are always enthusiastic about having guests on our campus. To find out more about how to attend one of our observation days, please email me.
Other wonderful programs and activities offered at Alvarado are: WRAP after school program, character education, and instrumental and vocal music, among others.
We strongly encourage and value parent participation through our VIPS program where parents can volunteer in classrooms, the office, valet parking, field trips, or to help prepare materials for children. Additionally, parents participate in our Parent Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) that meets regularly and supports our school through fundraising, volunteering, and organizing social events.
Overall, Alvarado is a campus rich with a diverse student body, highly committed and skilled teachers, and a rigorous curriculum that meets individual student needs.
All of us at Alvarado welcome you and look forward to an exciting and successful school year!
Mrs. Huber, Principal